The Scenery of Things

Scenery of Things is about looking, imagining and interpreting. Removed from their literal representations, seemingly quotidian objects can be re-interpreted, allowing the imagination to soar, and inspiring meaningful and subjective expression.

Of a Time and Place

When one draws one can claim to really see. I believe that this meticulously 'fabricated realism' can restructure our sense of the beautiful and enable us to see the extraordinary behind the ordinary, where the familiar is ripe for rediscovery.

Italian Journey

When creating images for Italian Journey, I knew that I wanted to achieve a certain timeless quality - that “sheen of antiquity,” as it was once described. Images that I had taken in Italy were scanned, together with an assortment of artist etching paper. They were then manipulated and blended to create the patina of aged parchment

Journey To Jerusalem

Jerusalem, sacred to three faiths, is a city that has inspired more love and devotion, more bloodshed and anguish than anywhere else on earth. Here devotion and fanaticism collide; here is a place where truths must coexist. I cannot recall the precise moment when I first came under its powerful spell, but once the improbable notion of journeying to the city took hold, I knew I could not be swayed to opt for a “safer” destination.

Still China

“Still China” is about places, both iconic and less well known, captured in their moments of stillness. The time of day and the lighting invest them with a sense of quietude. It is also about places where the march of progress seems to have passed them by; places that remain resolutely and touchingly Chinese.